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Banished Blemish Serum: The “Liquid Gold” Formula That Can Help Your Skin Rapidly Clear and Banish Acne Breakouts
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Request Your FREE Sample of the Banished Blemish Serum, and See How FAST You Can Help Your Skin Erase Ugly Acne Blemishes! All You Pay Is Shipping and Handling.
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“This little bottle of gold saved me from another day of misery!” 
- Emily
Blow-ups. Breakouts. Pizza face. Zits. Ugly spots. Blemishes. Little mountains.

Dealing with adult acne can be B-R-U-T-A-L. At the worst times, the natural beauty of your face is undermined by distracting pimples, cysts, and inflammation. And all throughout the day, you’re struggling with thoughts like…
“Why do I have still have acne? No one else in their thirties has it but me.” 

“Do others notice my breakouts? Are they staring at me or my acne?”

“Is my makeup thick enough? I still feel like my acne is showing through.” 

“I wonder if my makeup is still hiding my acne. Maybe I should go check the mirror real quick.” 

“I don’t feel so beautiful. My face would be pretty...if only I didn’t have these breakouts.” 
If any of those thoughts have ever crossed your mind, then it’s time you tried the Banished Blemish Serum, a “little bottle of gold” created by Trina Felber, a CRNA and former acne sufferer turned all-natural skincare expert.

After years of suffering from nasty breakouts that covered her face, Trina discovered the healing power of plant-based ingredients to radically clear her acne—FAST. 

The result of her discovery is the Banished Blemish Serum, formulated from fresh, certified-organic ingredients, such as jojoba oil, cayenne pepper, tea tree oil, carrot seed oil, and more. 

And she knows first-hand how putting a small amount on your painful zits can help your skin as these powerful ingredients begin to do their magic.

“I use a dab of Banished Blemish Serum on a zit at bedtime,” Trina says. “In the morning, my skin is normal, and that nasty zit is G-O-N-E—like I had totally imagined that zit coming to life!” 
HOW can the Banished Blemish Serum help you?? It can help...
Restore your appearance—quickly
Many customers report their Banished Blemish Serum clears breakouts overnight. Using the serum, you may go to bed with a red, inflamed zit and wake up to a clear complexion with confidence.
Reduce your reliance on makeup
Instead of caking on the makeup, Trina’s serum can help heal blemishes before they even begin to show and quickly help heal those that are already formed. Because it is oil based and plant based, your serum will not make your skin dry or red—just healed. Less redness and scarring mean less makeup!
Heal your infection rapidly
Ingredients such as cayenne pepper, carrot seed oil, and numerous essential oils are designed to help you target your breakouts, fight acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation and redness, and quickly help your skin heal.
Eliminate toxic and ineffective products
You’ll treat your face with ingredients you recognize. No more unpronounceable—and dangerous—chemicals. Nourishing your skin with micronutrients from food sources can help resolve skin irritations and conditions that harsh chemicals can irritate or cause.
Reduce redness and inflammation
Natural anti-inflammatory ingredients in the Banished Blemish formula can help quell the fire that’s raging beneath your skin and creating those ugly breakouts.
Reduce sebum production
The serum provides your overactive pores with natural oils which may help your skin avoid producing too much oil on its own. This means you can help your face avoid that greasy look and inflamed zits.
Never Rely on Ineffective, “Big Cosmo” Skincare Products That DON’T Heal Your Acne—But DO Contain Toxins
It’s time to put your feelings of insecurity, anguish, and self-consciousness behind you! Instead, tap into your confidence and beauty with the power of a plant-based formula.

Request your sample today, and see why one customer could say…

“It works exactly as Trina describes it. My zit was here today—GONE tomorrow!” 

The reason for this formula’s healing power is the certified-organic ingredients contained in each bottle. Here are the ingredients you’ll come to love in your Banished Blemish Serum...
Jojoba Oil
This powerful oil has a unique chemical makeup that mimics the sebum you naturally produce—to help you avoid that shiny look. In addition to being odorless, natural, and non-greasy, jojoba oil is also a natural carrier of vitamin E and a natural antioxidant.
Tea Tree Oil
Treat your zits with one of the most effective essential oils for acne. With impressive antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil is an excellent agent that can help you prevent acne and cleanse wounds. It also helps heal and soothe irritations as well as rashes and burns.
Geranium Oil
With one oil, gain antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antifungal benefits. Geranium oil can help your inflamed skin effectively rebalance the production of sebum.
Citronella Oil
Benefit from the analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, astringent, and tonic properties naturally found in citronella oil—properties that can help your skin put breakouts on the run.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is a natural anti-inflammatory that is high in vitamins A, C, and B complex as well as calcium and potassium. Applied topically, cayenne pepper can help improve blood flow to the skin to increase oxygen and many essential nutrients that aid in healing your breakouts.
Lavender Oil
This oil can help stop future breakouts while clearing redness and soothing irritation caused by your current zits. Research by Charles Sturt University in Australia has revealed that lavender oil displays good antibacterial activity against propionibacterium, the cause of most acne. This oil is also antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, and it may help scar tissue to heal.
Neroli Oil
This ingredient helps diminish your acne scars and nurtures mature skin that makes you feel less confident. The neroli oil in the Banished Blemish Serum is designed to address damage from past breakouts.
Carrot Seed Oil
This powerful ingredient can help regenerate your epidermal skin cells and stimulate cell growth. Carrot seed oil may help you rejuvenate aged, tired, dehydrated, and damaged skin. It’s rich in beta-carotene as well as vitamins B, C, D, and E. This oil may also help improve the function of red blood cells to improve the elasticity of the skin and diminish scars.
Why You’ll Love the Banished Blemish Serum: Trina’s Story
The Banished Blemish Serum was created for you by someone who’s walked in your shoes—all-natural skincare expert and Registered Nurse Anesthetist Trina Felber.

“I struggled with adult acne until I was almost 40,” Trina explains. “I’d have breakouts on my forehead, my cheeks, and on the sides of my face. And I suffered from breakouts that ranged from cystic acne to blackheads.” 

With no success, Trina tried a variety of skincare products with poor results. “Nothing made it go away, and I was so discouraged. I wasted so much money and energy just trying to get rid of my acne,” she recalls about those days. 

For Trina, relief came by a chance accident.

“One night, I was making something for my muscles. It was a muscle rub that had cayenne pepper in it.”

On a whim, Trina applied the cayenne pepper serum to a huge zit growing on her chin before she went to sleep. “I could feel the cayenne pepper penetrating the zit—and for the first time ever—I FELT like something was finally working! 

“In the morning, I walked by the mirror and had to take a second look. That cyst had almost disappeared. I actually had to rub my finger over it to find it.”

For Trina, it was a discovery that would lead her to create a formula that would change the lives of women suffering from adult acne blemishes—people experiencing the same challenges as you.  

“So, what I decided to do was to create a blemish serum,” Trina explains, “something you could put on your acne that might help speed the healing.

“It totally sucks when you get a zit—all you focus on is how horrible it makes you look. My Banished Blemish Serum speeds healing and helps breakouts heal almost overnight. At least now, when I have a rare breakout, it no longer stresses me out because I know I can BANISH it very quickly!”

Trina took her cayenne pepper solution a step further and added essential oils that can help reduce the inflammation, redness, and scarring you’re always hiding under makeup. 

The end result was a serum that can help your skin clear your breakouts—fast.

Instead of cancelling social events, hiding in the house, or caking on the makeup, it’s time to try Trina’s quick solution for your embarrassing acne flare-ups—a serum that can work like magic for your skin. 

To hear what others like you have experienced using this serum, check out what they have to say below.
What Banished Blemish Customers Are Saying...
When you use your Banished Blemish Serum, don’t be surprised if your zits practically disappear—overnight! Take a look at the testimonials from these Banished Blemish believers…
- E. C.

“The Banished Serum is amazing! The tingly-hot feeling takes a couple days to get used to, but it does what it's supposed to. It makes a not-quite-there blemish disappear before it appears and heals the biggies faster than anything I've ever used. The serum even works on those pesky chin/jawline hormonal ones that pop up at the most inopportune times. :-)”

- A. M.

“I love the Banished Serum!! With all the travel, long days, etc., I usually always break out a little, but I put it on at night and bam, next day it's barely a red bump. Better than anything I've used.”

- A. R.

“I was absolutely amazed how fast this product, using so little, worked...Yes it is a hot spot on your face for a few minutes but the results were perfect...Especially on the stubborn areas with recurring issues!!! I ordered a sample because I'm a skeptic, but it works!!!...It really does...2 applications, and the area is healing!!! Thank you.”

- C.

“I've been using this formula for a couple of months now. I really like knowing that when I put some on at night, I will wake up in the morning with a noticeable reduction in size and redness of my acne breakouts. I also appreciate that they have a pregnancy formula because I'm TTC and don't want to use anything that might be harmful to a baby. Thanks for creating natural products that really work!”

The Banished Blemish Guarantee
Trina has designed her Banished Blemish Serum to help you end the embarrassment, the pain, and the inconvenience of adult acne—fast. At the end of the day, she wants you to see your acne dramatically clear and heal just by using a very small amount.

If you’re not happy with your Banished Blemish Serum sample for any reason, simply ship your bottle back within 30 days—even if there's only one drop left! She will rush you a refund of your initial shipping cost. It’s that simple.
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Give Your Skin a Formula That Can Help Clear Your Breakouts So You Can Stop Hiding Your Natural Skin with Makeup.
Request Your FREE Sample of the Effective Banished Blemish Serum.
Again, this Banished Blemish Serum sample is FREE! All you’ll pay is shipping and handling. The retail price for this sample is $10, not including shipping costs. And the 0.5 oz bottle of the Banished Blemish Serum is $65 retail.

For the price of shipping and handling, you’ll gain a solution that may help dramatically improve your appearance with certified organic ingredients. The Banished Blemish Serum is a naturally effective—and safe—formula that may help your skin quickly heal those cystic, whitehead, and blackhead blemishes without the nagging guilt about toxic chemicals.
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